Water pollution: causes, consequences, countermeasures
Clean water is the basic building block for life on earth and therefore one of the most important resources for humanity. Unfortunately, however, clean water cannot be taken for granted - many people suffer from water pollution every day. There are many reasons for this and its consequences should by no means be underestimated.
In this Guidebook , we have summarized for you ...
- ... what exactly polluted water is and what consequences it can have,
- ... which creates it,
- ... what consequences contaminated drinking water can have,
- ... the state of our drinking water in Germany,
- ... and how we can protect ourselves from contaminated drinking water.

What is considered polluted water?
Water pollution always occurs when water resources are contaminated by certain substances. This can involve a wide variety of substance classes: from harmless sediments and pathogens to inorganic chemicals such as heavy metals, they are all considered contaminants1.
In other words, regardless of whether they are toxic or non-toxic substances: Water pollution always occurs when undesirable substances accumulate in the water and thus impair the natural water quality.
Generally speaking, water pollution occurs when the water no longer meets the prescribed limits (in the case of drinking water) or the quality standards required for its use.
Any type of water body can be affected by water pollution, from rivers and lakes to the sea and groundwater. A distinction can be made between different types of contamination based on the substances involved.
Types of water pollution
A basic distinction is made between water pollution caused by chemical or biological substances 2.

Biological water pollution
Biological water pollution is caused, for example, by germs and pathogens in the water. These can lead to various infectious diseases and pose a major threat to people, especially in developing countries. However, there are also frequent cases of bacteria in water in Europe.

Chemical water pollution
However, chemical water pollution, which is more widespread in Europe, is no less dangerous. In this form, chemicals that are hazardous to health are released into the water through industrial production, waste, etc., which can have dangerous long-term effects3.
But how do these harmful substances get into the water in the first place? How does water pollution occur? There are many causes of polluted water.
What is considered polluted water?
Water pollution can be caused by a wide variety of factors: For example, some natural events such as erosion processes or volcanic activity can result in water pollution if this causes various undesirable substances to enter the water. Algae blooms, which rob the water of oxygen and thus endanger the organisms living in it, are also a natural cause.
However, human activity is one of the most common causes of polluted water. This is because the majority of today's water pollution results from ecologically questionable practices.
Examples of this are
- the disposal of industrial waste water
- Agricultural measures such as overfertilization
- the incorrect disposal of toxic substances in household wastewater
- Uncontrolled waste disposal
The water can be contaminated with harmful substances in various ways - in some cases, pollutants that have risen into the air are washed onto the ground, into bodies of water and into groundwater in the form of acid rain. In other situations, wastewater is discharged directly into rivers or the sea.
Humans are also responsible for some of the natural causes of water pollution - such as the growth of toxic blue-green algae. These can be very dangerous for humans and animals if they proliferate, which is why bathing lakes are repeatedly closed due to blue-green algae infestation4.
It is true that this is technically a naturally occurring contamination. However, the underlying conditions for this usually originate from human activity. This is because blue-green algae reproduce particularly well in waters with high concentrations of pollutants and equally high temperatures4.
The consequences of water pollution
Water pollution has consequences, that is clear - as already mentioned above, its effects are serious in many cases. This is because pollution disrupts and impairs the ecological balance and therefore the entire ecosystem in lakes, rivers and the sea.
This in turn often has alarming effects on the animal and plant species living there. There is increasing talk of fish deaths, for example, both following the release of toxic chemicals and in connection with the rapid spread of toxic algae 5, 6.
The resulting economic damage should also not be underestimated if, for example, fishing or tourism are affected. And, of course, water pollution can also have a direct impact on people's health - especially if drinking water is affected.

Of particular concern: drinking water pollution
Our body needs a sufficient amount of water every day in order to function properly. However, if drinking water is contaminated with pollutants, this can lead to serious health problems . So if drinking water is contaminated, human health is at risk.
The intake of toxic chemicals over a longer period of time is particularly worrying, as these can accumulate in the body. Some substances can damage organs and tissue in the long term, impair the immune system and disrupt the hormone system. Long-term consequences can include cancer, fertility problems, neurological disorders or chronic diseases.
According to research by NDR, WDR and the Süddeutsche Zeitung, PFAS chemicals have been detected in water at more than 1,500 locations in Germany. This is a group of more than 10,000 artificially produced substances that are not broken down in the body or the environment.
The substances are suspected of causing cancer, making people infertile and weakening the immune system7.
However, bacteria or viruses in drinking water also pose a considerable health risk. They can cause various diseases and in some cases even life-threatening infections8. Drinking water pollution is therefore not to be trifled with.
How do contaminants get into drinking water?
As mentioned above, there are various ways in which contaminants can get into water - including groundwater and drinking water. So why aren't we all sick yet?
This is because Tapwater in Germany must comply with the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance 9. This means that the water is checked for pollutant concentrations during treatment - contaminants in the drinking water are thus detected and immediate action can be taken in case of doubt.
Tapwater in Germany can therefore generally be drunk without hesitation- provided there are no warnings. So all impurities should actually be filtered out of the water - or should they?
Unfortunately, our own pipes often play a role in the contamination of our drinking water. This is because contaminated Tapwater does not always have anything to do with inadequate water treatment - the so-called last mile of water should not be underestimated either.
- This is the proverbial last mile, the last few meters that our water travels before it comes out of the tap10.
- Particularly in buildings with outdated pipes, various pollutants such as heavy metals can enter the drinking water along this route.
- This can lead to drinking water contamination despite good treatment.
How can we protect ourselves from polluted water?
Basically, our Tapwater in Germany is very unproblematic due to the Drinking Water Ordinance. Based on this, the water is tested for various harmful substances - if the limit value listed in the ordinance is exceeded, measures are taken immediately.
However, as explained above, this alone is no guarantee that your drinking water is really completely free of any pollutants. What can you do, for example, if you are concerned that your Tapwater contains heavy metals due to old pipes?
- Get clarity and have the water quality tested. That way you know exactly where you stand.
- Don't save too much - be careful not to consume stagnant water, which is particularly susceptible to contamination from the Last Mile. It is best to let the water run for a short time before use so that the worst contaminated water can run off.
- An uncomplicated and more economical option is to install a water filter - this can filter out unwanted pollutants from the drinking water and thus combat contaminated water.
Our drinking water is subject to strict regulations and is not considered very good for nothing - but when it comes to something as important as your own health, it's worth playing it safe.
Water pollution: combating causes and averting consequences
Clean water cannot be taken for granted. This is because water pollution repeatedly causes serious ecological and health problems. There are many reasons for this and they are often linked to human activity. This makes it all the more important that we are committed to protecting and preserving clean water resources and finding sustainable solutions to combat water pollution.

What types of water pollution are there?
There are two types of water pollution: chemical and biological. Biological pollution is caused by germs and bacteria in the water , which can cause infectious diseases. Chemical pollution is caused by industrial production and waste and consists of chemicals that are hazardous to health.
What are the causes of water pollution?
The causes of water pollution are manifold. Natural events such as erosion, volcanic activity and algal blooms can cause pollution. But the main causes are usually human activities such as the disposal of industrial effluents or uncontrolled waste disposal. Pollutants then enter the water through various pathways, including acid rain and the direct discharge of wastewater into rivers and oceans.
How polluted is our water?
Water pollution in Germany varies depending on the region. In general, Germany has a relatively good water quality compared to many other countries - but there are still always pollutants that can have a negative impact on the quality of the water. However, our Tapwater is monitored so that measures can be taken as quickly as possible.
Related articles and products
- Spectrum: substance classes
- Spektrum: Encyclopedia of biology: Water pollution
- rnd: Resistant chemicals in groundwater: who foots the bill?
- br: Why are blue-green algae in lakes dangerous for humans and dogs?
- WWF: Fish death in the Oder: The catastrophe after the catastrophe
- Federal Environment Agency: Fish mortality in the Oder
- ndr: "Poison of the century" PFAS: This is how polluted northern Germany is
- Federal Center for Health Education: Infections via water
- Federal Ministry of Health: Drinking water
- Stiftung Warentest: Drinking water quality: The last meters count