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Microplastics in water

Alongside climate change, the spread of microplastics is one of the biggest human impacts on the natural environment. Plastic particles have spread all over the world. They can be microscopically small or appear as visible particles that can be seen with the naked eye. They exist in the deep sea, in remote polar regions, in the atmosphere and in the bodies of humans and animals. Water also contains microplastics in varying concentrations and thus reaches the consumer. The consequences of microplastics for health and the environment are still being researched. But what are microplastics actually and how can we protect ourselves from microplastics in water?

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Updated on: 02.12.2019

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What is microplastic?

Microplastics were discovered in 1997 by Charles Moore, an environmental activist who discovered countless small plastic particles in the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" between pieces of plastic.

Today, the term microplastic is mainly used in relation to the size of certain plastic parts. Microplastics are plastic particles that are smaller than five millimetres.

There are also plastic particles whose sizes are in the microscopic range as microparticles and nanoplastic particles, but are not present at molecular size.

Cleaning up plastic waste on the beach

During one of our Alb Filter Strand clean-up campaigns, we noticed a cap on a water filter cartridge at the bottom left. 

With regard to the types of microplastics, questions of demarcation are discussed, which are an important topic for research today. Microplastics must basically be understood as a collective term for parts made of plastics. Essentially, polymers, especially polyethylene, are among the substances from which microplastics can arise.

Plastics are used in the manufacture of a wide range of everyday products, from car tires to clothing and cosmetics. Depending on how they are formed, a distinction is made between primary and secondary microplastics.

How are microplastics created?

Primary microplastics are so-called base pellets, which are the starting material for numerous products such as toothpaste or cleaning agents. Here, small plastic particles are deliberately produced as a material. Cosmetics in particular, such as scrubs, contain microplastics. However, these particles are also used in cleaning jets and medicines.

Secondary microplastics are unintentional products that are created through chemical and physical processes. For example, UV light decomposes plastic, but the daily abrasion of car tires also produces microplastics. According to the Federal Environment Agency, fleece clothing made from synthetic fibers can lose up to 2,000 of these fibers per wash cycle, which then ends up in wastewater.

Which products create microplastics

Microplastics in the environment

As plastic is omnipresent, from packaging materials to children's toys, plastic waste and plastic particles end up in the environment in many ways. It is estimated that mankind has produced around 8.3 billion tons of plastic since the invention of plastic. 1
According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, up to 330,000 tons of microplastics are released every year in Germany alone. This figure only refers to the primary microplastics mentioned above.

Microplastics pose particular problems due to their basic properties: they are very difficult to break down and will therefore accumulate in oceans, soil and even in the air. Microplastics are often similar in size to pollen grains. This lightness means that microplastics are transported over long distances in the atmosphere.

Plastic waste collected on the beach

Plastic waste collected by the Alb Filter team on the beach in Mauritius (Pointe d'Esny). No beach, however beautiful, is spared.

Microplastics from Europe can be found both in the Arctic and in the Alps. Snow in particular washes out the microplastics, meaning that they can be found in practically all polar regions. Microplastics can also be found in the deep sea. This leads to serious health problems for marine life.

Why are microplastics so dangerous?

Microplastic particles are ingested by animals and lead to mechanical injuries (for example in the intestines and stomach), tissue changes and signs of poisoning. The microplastics also enter the food chain via the animals and therefore also end up in human food. Intensive research is currently being carried out into the consequences for humans, animals and the environment, as it has only been possible to prove a few effects, but a number of other possible effects are suspected. We have been warned by other pollutants such as asbestos, the dangers of which have only been recognized over time.

The microplastic cycle

This is precisely why the presence of microplastics in the air is a cause for concern: studies show that a significant proportion of the particles are absorbed via the respiratory tract. As it is similar to particulate matter, there is a risk of lung, cardiovascular and cancer diseases.

One major problem is the damage to the environment caused by the accumulation of plastic and microplastics, as this also exacerbates climate change, for example. Microplastics contribute to the emission of methane, a very potent greenhouse gas. A sick environment has repercussions for humans. Microplastics in water also play a role in this context.

How do microplastics get into the water?

The ways in which microplastics end up in water and Tapwater have not yet been fully researched. However, practically every private household contributes to the spread of microplastics. Every time a sweater containing polyester is washed, microplastics are rinsed out. The daily abrasion of car tires - especially after rainfall - also releases enormous quantities of microplastics into the water. At present, wastewater is only insufficiently filtered of microplastics.

According to Martin Wagner from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, sewage sludge that is spread on fields in agriculture causes microplastics to re-enter the water cycle.2 However, microplastics that enter the water via detours also play a significant role. The particles are often first released into the atmosphere through abrasion processes and later into the water through rain and snow.

Car tires that cause microplastics

Car tire abrasion is sometimes the main reason for the formation of secondary microplastics

How much microplastic is in the water?

A large-scale study by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in 2014 found that one cubic meter of water contained between 86 and 714 microplastic particles. Almost all German sewage treatment plants are hopelessly overloaded with microplastics. Depending on the size of the plant, between 93 million and 8.2 billion particles of microplastics would end up in our rivers. (

Are there microplastics in our drinking water?

Yes, a study by the University of Minnesota in collaboration with the non-profit journalist network Orb Media analyzed 159 drinking water samples worldwide. 80 percent of the water samples contained microplastics, although the proportion in Germany is considerably lower than in other countries. Two and a half particles floated in one liter of water in samples from Hamburg and Dortmund. Further representative studies are urgently needed.

What are the health consequences of microplastics in water?

The World Health Organization (WHO) took a stand on this question in 2019 and compiled the results of 50 recent studies. By scientific standards, this is a rather thin basis. For this reason, the WHO's conclusion that "based on the limited information available, microplastics in drinking water do not pose a health risk at current levels" (WHO expert Maria Neira) is highly questionable and provisional.

Although it is assumed that large microplastics are excreted by humans during digestion, particles smaller than 1 micrometer could penetrate cells. This can then lead to inflammatory processes, says Professor Werner Kloas from the Leibnitz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin.3

Microplastics as a means of transport for germs and environmental toxins

Microplastics as a means of transport for germs and environmental toxins

It is also very likely that other pollutants are increasingly being spread via microplastics. This is due to the so-called "hydrophobic property of plastic molecules": environmental toxins such as dioxin can attach themselves to non-polar microplastics, as can bacteria, which can form a biofilm on microplastics and then attract further bacteria. A study by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) has already proven that "pathogens use microplastics as a means of transportation".4 The European Food Safety Authority wants to further clarify this issue, in particular the question of whether carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are also transported with the microplastic particles. The WHO has also announced further research.5

Both the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment and the European Food Safety Authority are calling for more data in order to be able to set a limit value for microplastics in the future.6

What can individuals do to combat microplastics?

Of course, more sustainable consumer behavior contributes to the reduction of plastic. However, it is not that easy to avoid the ubiquitous plastic. It is helpful, for example, to buy higher-quality clothing made from more expensive polymers that use fewer plasticizers. When it comes to drinks, glass bottles should be used instead of plastic. Cosmetics with their primary microplastic particles have a special role to play. Consumers can make sure that the products they choose do not contain exfoliating beads.

Overall, the consumer magazine Test advises the following measures:

  • Drive less often
  • Dispose of plastic properly
  • Avoid cosmetics with microplastics; see the Federal Purchasing Guide (7)
  • Buy higher quality clothing 
  • Wash as briefly and cold as possible
  • Give preference to unpackaged stores; see Zerowastemap (8)

What techniques are available to filter microplastics out of the water?

Water filters can effectively remove microplastics from water. There are various ways to remove microplastics from drinking water. However, it is important to differentiate between the size and nature of the microplastics and where and how they are filtered.

Find out more in our follow-up article on how microplastics can be filtered out of water more.

Ways to prevent microplastics in advance

Ways to prevent microplastics in advance

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