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Is Tapwater healthy?

Daily fluid requirements vary from person to person and depend on numerous factors. Tapwater is one of the most important sources of fluids. But is Tapwater healthy and can you really drink it without worrying? Find out here!

In this Guidebook you will learn ...

  • ... whether you can drink Tapwater , 
  • ... whether Tapwater contains minerals, 
  • ... how Tapwater compares to mineral water, 
  • ... when and why Tapwater can be unhealthy
  • ... and how you can ensure healthy Tapwater yourself. 

Content of this article

Updated on: 29.04.2022

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Can you drink Tapwater ?

In principle, you can drink Tapwater in Germany without any problems. This is because it is the most strictly controlled foodstuff due to the Drinking Water Ordinance. According to a recent report by the Federal Environment Agency and the Ministry of Health, drinking water in Germany is even of good to very good quality. 99-100% of the tests meet the legal standards for most of the parameters tested and do not exceed any limits. [1]

Around 70 % of our drinking water comes from groundwater and spring water. The remaining 30 % comes from rivers, reservoirs and bank filtrates. This water is analyzed and treated in waterworks so that it complies with the German Drinking Water Ordinance. Only then does it reach the end consumer via pipe systems.

Nevertheless, there are always problems with our drinking water - more on this below.

Does Tapwater have minerals?

Does our Tapwater containminerals and is it therefore healthy? This question is not so easy to answer. Which and how many minerals the drinking water contains depends entirely on where the water comes from. And just because Tapwater contains minerals does not automatically mean it is healthy!

Tapwater is definitely one of the most important thirst quenchers and helps us to meet our daily fluid requirements. It also provides us with various minerals in different concentrations, depending on its origin. These include, among others: 

Element symbol iron

Iron for the transportation of oxygen in the blood and the formation of blood cells. 

Element symbol magnesium

Magnesium for the activation of muscles, formation of proteins, transmission of nerve signals and much more.

Element symbol calcium

Calcium for the formation of bones and teeth.

Element symbol sodium

Sodium to regulate the water balance in the body.

Element symbol potassium

Potassium for the muscles and the water balance.

Connection symbol sulphate

Sulphate for digestion, nails and hair.

At this point, however, it should be said that water - both Tapwater and mineral water - is not usually the main source of minerals. We get the majority of our daily requirement from food.

Tapwater vs. mineral water: Is Tapwater just as healthy as mineral water? 

Many people believe that mineral water is healthier than Tapwater and contains far more minerals. But this is a misconception!


Overall, Tapwater is subject tostricter regulations than mineral water! In Germany at least, Tapwater is therefore just as healthy, if not healthier, than mineral water.

How many minerals mineral water contains depends entirely on the variety and where it is bottled. Since 1980, there are no longer any specifications as to how high the mineral content must be. Until then, bottled water had to contain 1000 mg of dissolved minerals per liter of water. Nowadays, according to Stiftung Warentest, many mineral waters no longer even achieve a concentration of 500 mg per liter. [2]

Mineral water from plastic bottles in particular can even be unhealthy! The biggest problem are bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and bisphenol A (BPA). PET bottles, for example, are suspected of releasing microplastics into the water. [3] BPA, on the other hand, is a hormone-like substance that is also released into the water via the bottles. These hormone-like substances are particularly harmful to children and can cause developmental disorders.

Drinking water straight from the tap is also much cheaper and more environmentally friendly. This is because the impact on the climate and environment is 600 times higher with mineral water than with Tapwater. [4] Packaging, long transportation routes, costly disposal and recycling are some of the reasons for this - all of which cost an enormous amount of resources!

In terms of taste, the choice between Tapwater and mineral water is very subjective. Some people prefer Tapwater, others prefer mineral water. When it comes to carbonation, sparkling water makers are a suitable alternative. 

Sick from Tapwater: When is Tapwater unhealthy?

Tapwater is therefore generally healthy. But can it also make you ill? Yes, under certain circumstances Tapwater is unhealthy! We explain: 

Lead, copper and other metals in Tapwater

The main problem for Tapwater is the in-house drinking water installations. These consist of various pipes, fittings and other components made from a wide variety of materials. Unsuitable material can lead to the following problems, among others: 

  • Reproduction of microorganisms
  • Damage to health
  • Changes in odor and taste

A great danger lurks in old lead pipes. Although these have been banned since 1973 and have not been installed since then, they may still be installed in old buildings in particular. Lead-enriched water acts as a neurotoxin and blood poison and is particularly dangerous for babies, children and pregnant women as it damages the natural development of the nervous system.

A similar problem exists with newly installed copper pipes. Babies in particular can react sensitively to excessive copper exposure, which usually manifests itself in gastrointestinal complaints.

Kitchen taps can also become a problem if they release lead, copper, nickel or other undesirable metals into the water. 

Medication in drinking water

Medicines enter the water through disposal and excretion. These cannot yet be filtered out in waterworks and therefore enter our water supply system unhindered. At the moment, the level of pharmaceutical residues in water is still relatively low. However, this can and will change over the years with the increasingly ageing population and the associated increase in the consumption of medicines. [5]

Sick due to nitrate in drinking water

A major problem with German drinking water is the high nitrate content in the groundwater due to over-fertilization. Fruit, cereals and vegetables need nitrate to grow, but if more is fertilized than the plants can absorb, it ends up in the groundwater and thus in our drinking water.

Nitrate is not a problem in itself. However, the body converts it into nitrite, which is harmful. Nitrite is again the greatest danger for babies, as it can inhibit oxygen transport at high doses and thus lead to oxygen deficiency.

In contrast to pharmaceutical residues, nitrate is already a problem in Germany's drinking water, as threshold values are constantly being exceeded. However, this is usually recognized immediately and compensated for by adding uncontaminated water, relocating wells, etc.

Intestinal problems due to Tapwater

If contaminated with germs and bacteria, such as e-coli bacteria, Tapwater can lead to gastrointestinal complaints and diarrhea under certain circumstances. However, this happens rather rarely and is reported by the waterworks as soon as it is discovered and appropriate steps are taken. 

Attention with stagnant water

Stagnant water is water that has been standing in the pipes for a long time. This can accumulate germs such as legionella or heavy metals.

According to the Federal Environment Agency, if the water stands in the pipes for longer than 4 hours, it is of poorer quality and you should definitely drain it beforehand until it is cool and fresh. [6] This applies, for example, to the first sip in the morning or after a vacation and usually only takes a few seconds.

Water filter for healthy Tapwater

Contamination in the water can never be completely ruled out, so we advise you to play it safe with a water filter. However, do not use table-top jug filters, as these are far too susceptible to contamination.

Activated carbon block filters are a better choice. This is because the risk of contamination is significantly lower here and can be easily avoided by changing the cartridge in good time. They help to filter unwanted substances out of the water and provide clean drinking water. 

Is Tapwater healthy? Yes and no!

In large parts of Germany, drinking water is largely harmless to health, but often contains traces of undesirable substances. So if you want to drink really healthy Tapwater , it's best to use a high-quality water filter. 


Here you can find more information on the question "Is Tapwater healthy?".

Is Tapwater healthy in the long term?

Yes, as long as there are no pollutants, heavy metals or similar in the water, Tapwater is healthy in the long term. 

Is Tapwater carcinogenic?

Problematic substances in this regard are nitrate and chromium VI. Nitrate is converted to nitrite, which reacts in the stomach with other food components to form carcinogenic nitrosamines. Chromium VI can also become a problem, as this is also considered carcinogenic. However, German drinking water currently complies with the limit values for both substances or is treated accordingly, which means that Tapwater isgenerally not carcinogenic

Is Tapwater healthy for babies?

As a rule, yes. At least as long as new copper or old lead pipes or other questionable materials are not installed in the household drinking water installations. If you want to be absolutely sure, you can boil the water at least in the first few months of life to be on the safe side, so as not to overload the immune system with possible germs or similar. In principle, however, this is not necessary according to the consumer advice center. [7]

Is Tapwater healthy during pregnancy?

Tapwater is alsolargely harmless during pregnancy. You should exercise increased caution with known risk factors such as lead, copper, etc. 

Is calcareous Tapwater healthy?

Lime water is just as healthy as normal Tapwater. Lime even provides the important minerals calcium and magnesium. An increased lime content only affects the water hardness. However, whether Tapwater is healthy depends on the water quality and not the hardness. Incidentally, the fact that hard water causes calcification of our blood vessels is just a myth! [8]

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