Alb Duo tap filter
If you have any questions about special installation situations:
Call us on +49 (0) 7420 920 921-0 or write to us at

Video instructions
Our videos show step-by-step instructions on how easy it is to connect your Alb Duo tap filter to the existing tap.
1. installation
The Duo water filter fits the most common taps. However, if an adapter is required, we will replace it. Find out more in the thread guide
2. cartridge change
Simple cartridge change by unscrewing the lower cover. We show you how to do it in the video!

Does my tap fit?
Guidebook Guidebook
Mit unserem Ratgeber ermitteln Sie ihr Gewinde an der heimischen Armatur und können den passenden Adapter für den Alb Duo Wasserhahnfilter dazu bestellen. Diesen tauschen wir dann gegen den Standard Adapter.
Adapter required?
We stock a wide range of suitable adapters for your water fitting.

Operating instructions
Download the Alb Filter Duo operating instructions.