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Activated carbon filter for water

Activated carbon filters for water can filter out around 99% of microplastics, hormones, bacteria, germs, legionella and certain heavy metals from the water and eliminate annoying odors or unpleasant tastes. This does n't just work in private households: Activated carbon block filters in particular are also used in swimming pools, the beverage industry and wastewater treatment - as an efficient filter medium for clarifying and treating water. These differ significantly in their filter performance from filters made of activated carbon granules.

In this Guidebook We will explain why this is the case and talk about the production, special features and functionality of activated carbon filters that you can purchase for private use at home. 

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Updated on: 01.03.2022

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What is an activated carbon filter?

To understand how an activated carbon filter works , you need to know what activated carbon actually is. At the end of the 18th century, it was discovered that charcoal has a so-called adsorption effect , which means that it removes certain substances from water, liquids or gases. For example, it can bind toxins or decolorize liquids.

What is adsorption? 

When foreign substances bind to a source material, this is called adsorption: For example, (toxic) substances stick to the surface of activated carbon and accumulate on it. The term comes from the Latin: “adsorbere” = “to suck in”.

Modern activated carbon production began with a patent in 1901. Since then, it has been widely used in various disciplines and industries – for example in medicine 1 , the automotive industry 2 , the chemical industry 3 (e.g. textile dyeing) and recently also in the food industry 4 and cosmetics 5

You can find further information about the different applications of activated carbon in our article: What is activated carbon?

How activated carbon filters work

The special surface structure increases the adsorption level. This results in the “activity” of the processed activated carbon. This means that substances are concentrated on the inner surface of the carbon pores and adhere to the porous surface . This makes activated carbon ideal for removing substances from water and also from gases. 

production of activated carbon filters

Today, activated carbon for activated carbon filters is usually obtained from plant materials - e.g. from coconut shells , from which high-quality activated carbon can be obtained. The "raw material" for the production of activated carbon, coal, is created when carbon-containing materials - e.g. wood, nut shells, peat, kernels, or brown coal - are burned in the absence of oxygen . This process is called "carbonization".

In this manufacturing process, the starting material is carbonized using what is known as " pyrolysis 6 ". Carbon remains while other components burn. In the second step, this carbon is "activated" using chemical processes or hot gas in a furnace. The aim is to obtain a porous structure made of largely pure carbon. This is how activated carbon is created.

Activated carbon under the microscope

Activated carbon under the microscope in our laboratory

What is the porous structure good for?

The highly porous structure resembles a sponge: activated carbon has very small pores that are connected to each other in a labyrinthine manner and therefore form a large surface structure. This is why every gram of high-quality activated carbon has a surface area of around 1500 m²! This is why activated carbon can bind a number of (harmful/toxic) substances so well. 

pore structure of activated carbon

activated carbon filter for drinking water

When treating drinking water, plant-based activated carbon is generally used, which is obtained from coconut shells or certain hardwoods. However, a distinction must be made between... 

Activated carbon filters with activated carbon granules and 

Granulated activated carbon

activated carbon granules

activated carbon block filters,...

A sintered activated carbon block

Sintered activated carbon block

...because they each have a different functionality and filter performance.

Weaknesses of activated carbon granulate filters

As we all know, water always chooses the path of least resistance and that is precisely the problem when (loosely poured) activated carbon granules are used in water filters - such as table jug filters. Since the water flows around the carbon (and not through it), the filter performance is very limited. For example, a standard table jug filter with activated carbon granules filters reliably...

Table can filter

filter table jug filters

  • Chlorine
  • tastes and smells

Table jug filters do not (or hardly) filter 

  • Microplastics
  • Drug residues
  • lime (without ion exchanger)
  • Hormones
  • and many other pollutants that are found in Tapwater (can be) located.

The efficiency of an activated carbon filter can therefore vary. This means that there are large differences in quality that are related to the manufacturing process. In general, there are three types of activated carbon products for activated carbon filters:

  • powdered activated carbon (rather unusual in drinking water filters )
  • broken activated carbon as granules (e.g. in table jug water filters)
  • molded activated carbon (e.g. an activated carbon block filter)

How does an activated carbon block filter work

When it comes to activated carbon filters, people usually only talk about a single “filter performance”, but strictly speaking, an activated carbon block filter works in three different ways , cleaning the water of a number of (toxic/harmful) substances through three mechanisms of action.

1. mechanical effect

The mechanical filtering is made possible by the many delicate channels of the activated carbon block : These prevent particles that are too large from passing through the activated carbon filter. They are held back in a similar way to a sieve. This method keeps your drinking water free from, among other things:

  • sand and rust (particles)
  • Asbestos fibers
  • Suspended particles
  • Bacteria
  • Legionella
  • Parasites

2. catalytic effect

Unlike mechanical filtration, the catalytic principle works here: small particles are transformed as they pass through the fine pores and channels of the activated carbon filter and then no longer have anything in common with their original form. 

In this way, the activated carbon block contributes to the breakdown and elimination of chlorine and chlorine compounds (e.g. CFCs). The catalytic effect also ensures that the unpleasant taste and smell of chlorinated water is eliminated and the drinking water becomes more drinkable again.

3. adsorptive effect

Finally, the adsorptive effect of activated carbon block filters is particularly effective: substances that are smaller than the pores inside are absorbed or bound by the carbon. Since the many channels have a particularly large internal surface , the water has to travel a long way, and a particularly large number of organic and inorganic substances stick to them. 

The adsorptive filter effect of activated carbon blocks is very effective and is similar to that of a strong magnet. The substances that are adsorptively filtered include:

  • herbicides, pesticides and fungicides
  • Hormone residues
  • Drug residues
  • heavy metals (e.g. lead, copper)
  • odor and taste-impairing substances

What is sintered activated carbon?

Particularly high-quality activated carbon block filters are made from sintered activated carbon. During the sintering process, the activated carbon block is heated to a high temperature and compressed under high pressure . This increases the number of pores and the internal surface area - and consequently optimizes the "performance" of the activated carbon. 

Good to know

The sintering process optimizes the "performance" of the activated carbon by increasing the surface area and maximizing the absorption capacity. In addition to its high adsorptive ("absorbing") effect, sintered activated carbon leaves minerals and trace elements in the water and does not filter them out - as is the case with a filter with activated carbon granules, for example. 

filter performance of activated carbon block filters

With the activated carbon filter, the water is treated by flowing through the activated carbon block . In addition to its adsorptive (i.e. "absorbing" effect), the filter also has a mechanical and catalytic effect.

High-quality activated carbon filters are therefore ideal for removing harmful and taste-impairing substances from the water. The adsorptive properties of the activated carbon act like a magnet on organic contaminants and dissolved substances (e.g. chlorides) and bind them. The following table gives you an overview of the most important substances that an activated carbon filter can remove from the water.

Substances that activated carbon block filters can filter

Element symbol sodium


Element symbol sodium


Element symbol sodium


Element symbol sodium

Germs and bacteria

Element symbol sodium


Element symbol sodium

Drug residues

Element symbol sodium


Element symbol sodium


Element symbol sodium

Heavy metals

Element symbol sodium


Element symbol sodium


Element symbol sodium


Note on filtering limescale

By adding an ion exchanger, faucet filters cannot remove limescale 100%, but – depending on the water hardness – they can significantly reduce it.

Does an activated carbon filter also remove minerals?

A good activated carbon water filter basically has the property of leaving important substances in the water. These include minerals that are important for the human body - a key reason why water filters with activated carbon are ideal for household use and for filtering drinking water. 

Good to know

Minerals and trace elements are theoretically filtered out by activated carbon. However, it always depends on the form of processing . Activated carbon granulate filters out valuable minerals and trace elements from the water that you actually want to keep. That is why good activated carbon block filters are better suited for use at home , because they leave minerals and trace elements in the Tapwater .

Risk of contamination? Even with activated carbon block filters?

How safe is a water filter that only binds certain substances in the water? The product quality of a drinking water filter made of activated carbon and the perfect condition of the water filter are crucial. Activated carbon has a limited storage capacity. As soon as this is exhausted, the filter cartridge must be replaced. 

Otherwise, not only will the effect be reduced, but there is also a risk of contamination because accumulated substances are released back into the water and germs can multiply in the water and on the filter. But is this the case with all activated carbon filters? Not necessarily.

  • With table jug filters there is a risk of contamination if the filter medium is not changed in time.
  • With permanently installed activated carbon block filters, the pore size is crucial in determining whether bacteria can get into the filter outlet. A pore size of approx. 0.3 µm and less is a prerequisite for activated carbon block filters to be considered germ-proof.

The overall structure of the filter product is also important, for example which other mechanical processes for water filtration are built into the filter. Consumers can find out the safe efficiency of their activated carbon filter through certificates and manufacturer information. Filters are tested by TÜV or relevant university institutes, for example.

How environmentally friendly is the life cycle assessment of an activated carbon filter?

Good activated carbon filters are made from plant-based materials and are characterized by a low proportion of binding agents. Alb Filter also produces its cartridges from the renewable organic raw material lignin .

According to studies, drinking water from the tap is by far the most environmentally friendly beverage 7 . If you consume less water from glass or plastic bottles at home thanks to an activated carbon filter, you will save money and significantly reduce your carbon footprint. For comparison: Still mineral water in a (disposable) bottle causes 90 to 1,000 times more environmental pollution than the consumption of Tapwater . 

If you have special requirements, such as the need for extremely reliable filtering of viruses and bacteria , we recommend that you contact the dealer or manufacturer to find the right product.

changing activated carbon filter cartridges

All activated carbon filter cartridges become saturated after a certain time and their filtering performance decreases. Depending on the cartridge used, the cartridge should be changed every 4-6 months . Modern activated carbon block filters can be replaced without any problems. The flow rate of the water is also crucial. For example, after 5,000 liters, a filter change may be necessary. Information on replacing the filter cartridges can be obtained from the respective activated carbon filter manufacturer.

Unfortunately, there are no indicators for when exactly a change is necessary , unless you have the water regularly tested in a laboratory. Since this is far too time-consuming, it is better to stick to the manufacturer's instructions.

activated carbon filter for a faucet filter

activated carbon filter for the faucet

How useful is an activated carbon filter?

For private consumers and normal households, an activated carbon filter for the water pipe is a good choice because it combines several advantages: The filter products are cost-effective compared to other filter systems and deliver a high level of efficiency.

Advantages of an activated carbon block filter

  • works without electronics or without electrical connection 
  • Buying expensive mineral water in (glass or plastic) bottles, the bottling and transport of which have a negative CO2 balance, is no longer necessary.
  • easy to install – usually without tools – e.g. on Under-sink or directly at the tap
  • Activated carbon block filters remove up to 99.9% of contaminants in water.
  • filters out annoying odors and unpleasant tastes
  • More than 99% of drug residues, heavy metals, chlorine, suspended solids, pesticides, microplastics and other pollutants are removed from drinking water.
  • Clear, germ-free, drinkable water directly from the tap
  • Enjoyment of flavor-free Tapwater for the ideal preparation of hot drinks such as tea and coffee

If you have special requirements, such as the need for extremely reliable filtering of viruses and bacteria , we recommend that you contact the dealer or manufacturer to find the right product.

Are there other water filters for the home?

An activated carbon water filter is suitable for water treatment in every household , but not for every application. Consumers today have a wide range of water filters available. The most important variants and methods for filtering drinking water include:

You can find out more about these different water filter systems and how they work in the Guidebook about water filters for the kitchen.

What you should consider when buying an activated carbon filter

Activated carbon filters are user-friendly and relatively inexpensive. Depending on your personal requirements, it is important to seek advice from a manufacturer or retailer when deciding on an activated carbon filter.

Activated carbon filters for water filtration are widely used today . When choosing a drinking water filter with activated carbon, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  • What type of activated carbon product is it? (e.g. activated carbon granules? Activated carbon block? Sintered activated carbon?)
  • What efficiency is guaranteed by the manufacturer?
  • Is it a sustainable and environmentally friendly drinking water filter whose materials can be recycled ?
  • Do I have a very high water flow and how often do I have to change the filter cartridge?
  • Does the manufacturer offer a reminder and advice service ?

Activated carbon filters are particularly suitable for private households

Activated carbon filters are now used in business and industry to purify the air and to treat (municipal) groundwater and wastewater. They are also particularly suitable for treating drinking water and improving the water quality in your own home. Their versatility means they can be used easily in both industrial environments and private households . They are also cost-effective and efficient, especially compared to mineral water.

Activated carbon block filters offer the most advantages of the common water improvement processes. They are particularly suitable for private households that want a taste and odor improvement effect as well as a large removal of pollutants from their Tapwater wish.


What does an activated carbon filter filter out of the water?

Good activated carbon filters can remove many substances from the water, e.g.:

  • tastes and smells
  • Microplastics
  • Drug residues
  • Hormones
  • Chlorine

Activated carbon block filters in particular can also filter out many other ingredients found in Tapwater .

What does an activated carbon filter do in water?

The many ultra-fine pores , which are connected to one another in a labyrinthine manner, give the activated carbon filter an enormously large surface area. When flowing through the filter, the water has to travel a long way and any harmful and toxic substances remain stuck in the pores inside the carbon: this is called adsorption.

Can activated carbon filter limescale?

Activated carbon itself does not filter limescale. An activated carbon block filter in combination with an ion exchanger can remove limescale from the water. A suitable faucet filter cannot remove limescale 100%, but - depending on the water hardness - it can significantly reduce it.

Can activated carbon filter hormones?

Unfortunately, many municipal water treatment plants do not filter hormone residues out of the water at all or only inadequately. However, they can reliably remove these substances from drinking water using activated carbon filters. A high-quality activated carbon block filter removes not only hormones but also drug residues , such as residues of antibiotics and hormones such as estradiol or ethinylestradiol.

How do activated carbon filters differ?

The most important variants of activated carbon filters include:

  • countertop water filter
  • Under-sink water filter
  • travel or camping filter
  • Table can filter

What is so special about activated carbon filters?

The special thing about activated carbon are the ultra-fine pores , which are labyrinthine and interconnected and therefore form an enormously large surface structure.

However, when it comes to pore sizes, a distinction is made between:

  • Mikroporen (<1 Nanometer) 
  • mesopores (1-25 nanometers) 
  • Macropores (>25 nanometers)

The quantity and distribution of the pore sizes ultimately determine the adsorption properties of the activated carbon, i.e. how well it can bind certain substances.

What is so special about activated carbon filters?

Sintered activated carbon is a special form of activated carbon. Sintering optimizes the "performance" of the activated carbon by maximizing the absorption capacity , i.e. the number of pores. In addition to the high adsorptive effect, sintered activated carbon retains minerals and trace elements and does not filter them out - as is the case with activated carbon granules, for example.

Where are activated carbon filters used?

As a powerful cleaning and filtering medium, activated carbon is of great value in medicine, chemistry, water treatment, ventilation technology, agriculture and, more recently, the cosmetics and food industries. However, its value in the last two areas of application is highly controversial in scientific terms.

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