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Tapwater & Pregnancy: What do I need to consider?

Pregnant women need to be particularly careful in many aspects of everyday life. This also applies to the foods they consume - it is clear that alcohol and energy drinks, for example, are taboo for expectant mothers. But what about water, especially Tapwater? Pregnancy and breastfeeding are times when women need to stay hydrated, but what is the best option?

We have answered these questions and more for you here: In our Guidebook you will learn ...

  • ... which is the best water for pregnant women,
  • ... what is important for the quality of Tapwater during pregnancy and
  • ... why you should definitely test your Tapwater , especially if you are pregnant.

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Updated on: 28.09.2023

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Do pregnant women really drink for two?

You often hear the saying that a pregnant woman "has to drink for two" - this is a bit of an exaggeration, but expectant mothers actually need a slightly higher fluid intake than before pregnancy. The recommended daily requirement does not have to be doubled, but pregnant women need more fluids and should drink accordingly. This is sometimes for the following reasons:

  • A lack of fluids is always a strain on the body, which should be avoided in general, but especially in the case of pregnant women.
  • In order to maintain the functions of her own body and the development of her baby, an expectant mother needs a higher fluid intake. This enables her body to produce new blood and amniotic fluid every day.
  • In addition, pregnant women often struggle with digestive problems due to their increased progesterone levels, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. have to struggle with digestive problems 1. Sufficient fluid intake is also important to counteract such complaints.

But what is best for pregnant women to drink? The same rules generally apply here as for all people: High-calorie drinks such as sweet soft drinks should be avoided. The best and healthiest thirst quenchers are unsweetened fruit and herbal teas and, of course, water 2. But what is the best water for pregnant women?

What is the best water for pregnant women?

Which water is best during pregnancy depends entirely on the individual circumstances of each pregnant woman. This is because water quality can vary greatly depending on the country - in some countries you should definitely avoid drinking water straight from the tap. 3 Fortunately, Germany is not one of these countries. Here, Tapwater is considered safe to drink due to the Drinking Water Ordinance - especially in combination with a water filter.

But what is really healthier for pregnant women, mineral water or Tapwater?

Mineral water during pregnancy: tests can help

We often hear that carbonated mineral water is not recommended for pregnant women. However, this is not because it is harmful to health - carbon dioxide is not dangerous for pregnant women, it can only have unpleasant consequences.

  • Carbonated mineral water is safe, but it can cause unpleasant heartburn for expectant mothers 4.
  • The bigger the baby gets, the more the uterus presses on the pregnant woman's stomach - which is why many women suffer from heartburn during pregnancy.
  • Sparkling mineral water should be avoided if the pregnant woman often suffers from heartburn. This is because carbon dioxide promotes air in the stomach and belching, which in turn can lead to heartburn.

Carbonated mineral water is therefore not an option for many women. But what about still mineral water?

Basically, it doesn't make much difference whether pregnant women drink still mineral water or Tapwater - both are water and are therefore recommended. With mineral water, however, you should find out in advance which option is best. Because mineral water tests show: Not all mineral water is free from harmful substances 5.

Although the products tested generally never exceed the official recommendations, there is mineral water in which substances such as arsenic, nitrate or uranium are present in minute quantities 5. To be on the safe side, you should therefore find out in advance which products are the safest.

As a general rule, mineral water - depending on the brand - is not monitored as closely as Tapwater. In addition, it is of course more expensive if consumed continuously.

Does mineral water really contain more minerals?

Not necessarily. Because there is prescribed amount of mineralsthat a product must contain in order to bear the designation 6.

What about the other option - normal Tapwater - during pregnancy?

Tapwater During pregnancy: what are the concerns?

The Tapwater in Germany is considered "safe to drink" - because according to the Federal Environment Agency, the majority of water samples are generally of very good quality on 7. This is due to the strict control of various pollutants - because the German Tapwater is checked on the basis of the Drinking Water Ordinance 8. This allows potential hazards to be identified quickly and appropriate measures to be initiated.

The new Drinking Water Ordinance 2023

The Drinking Water Ordinance has been even stricter since June 2023. For example, even lower limits than before now apply to pollutants such as chromium, arsenic and lead 9.

But be careful!

Drinking water in Germany may be safe to drink, but it is not always completely safe, because:

  • Water treatment cannot filter certain substances out of the water, or not completely.
  • Residues of pesticides, hormones, pharmaceuticals, microplastics etc. can only be reliably removed by an activated carbon filter .
  • The limit values of some of the pollutants covered are not necessarily harmless.
  • In addition, at the end of 2020, the EU imposed Europe-wide upper limits for some substances in drinking water, e.g. hormones, plasticizers (bisphenol-A) and microplastics, for the first time.
  • The Drinking Water Ordinance still does not cover all pollutants, which is why some of them get into Tapwater unnoticed.
  • Old water pipes can release heavy metals such as copper or lead into the water. Although lead pipes are to be replaced nationwide by 2026, a lot of water will still be flowing through these pipes until then.

You can find out more in the Guidebook "Why filter water".

Tapwater should therefore generally be a safe option according to the Drinking Water Ordinance. But even treatment offers no guarantee of clean water - because there are also cases in which Tapwater iscontaminated with pollutants in the last few meters before it reaches the tap. Read on to find out what the last mile of our tap water has to do with water quality.

Beware of the last few meters of Tapwater during pregnancy

While bacteria, germs, chemicals and other harmful substances are filtered out as part of the water treatment process, Tapwater may still contain them in some cases. This is because the Drinking Water Ordinance can only guarantee the cleanliness of the water up to the respective house connection. Depending on how old the respective house is and what material its pipes are made of, impurities can still occur.

  • In many cases, Tapwater is contaminated with pollutants on the last mile, the last few meters it travels to the tap 10.
  • Old pipes can release heavy metals directly into water that has actually been treated to be clean. Depending on the material, substances such as lead or copper can still contaminate the in-house Tapwater .
  • However, taps can also release harmful substances - for example, many taps contain nickel, which they release into the water.
  • In addition, if the water temperature is too low, bacteria such as the dreaded Legionella bacteria can multiplyin the water.

The heavy metal lead is particularly dangerous for pregnant women, babies and small children - as it can damage children's nervous systems and thus have serious health consequences 11.

Old pipes? Not for much longer

Good to know: As part of the new Drinking Water Ordinance, it was decided that lead pipes are no longer fit for purpose. These are all to be replaced by 2026 11.

So our drinking water is actually clean and safe to drink as long as it doesn't pass any old pipes on the way to the tap - but how can you find out if your pipes are deteriorating in quality?

Tapwater Testing during pregnancy: free options

If you are not sure about the state of your home's pipes, you should definitely consider having a test carried out. Have the water quality tested and make sure that your Tapwater is free of testable pollutants.

  • To do this, you can either test your water yourself using commercially available kits.
  • Alternatively, you can also contact various laboratories that will analyze a sample for you.

There are many institutes for water analysis. We can recommend IVARIO to have your water analyzed by a certified laboratory.

As contaminant-free water is particularly important for households with pregnant women and babies, there are special baby tests. These are often even free of charge for families with small children or pregnant women on presentation of a maternity pass. The best way to find out about your options is to contact your water supplier.

Special caution with private wells

If you get your water at Tapwater from a private well at home, you should take particular care - as the water may also contain harmful substances in this case. Make sure you check the water quality regularly.

Should you use a water filter during pregnancy?

Could a water filter help to filter out last mile pollutants from Tapwater and make drinking water safe even for pregnant women?

It is often said that pregnant women should avoid Tapwater water that has been treated using a water filter. The reason given for this is always the generalized answer that all water filters are germ slingers. But this is not the case with all filters:

  • Extra caution is required with jug or table filters - these actually tend to develop germs and should therefore not be used in households with pregnant women or babies.
  • To be on the safe side, the same applies to ion exchangers and reverse osmosis filters, which are (somewhat less but still) susceptible.

In direct contrast to this, however, are activated carbon block filterswhich can even be made germ-proof from 0.45 µm to a maximum of 0.7 µm. These basically have little to do with a jug or table filter with activated carbon, as they clean the water much more thoroughly. The risk of contamination is so low with activated carbon block filters that they can also be used in households with pregnant women.

If you want to be completely safe, you should use a water filter with a germ barrier. Options such as the nano filter cartridge effectively protect against germs and bacteria using mechanical barriers with hollow fiber membranes.

The same applies here: regular filter change are a must

The cartridges of activated carbon block filters with a germ barrier also need to be replaced regularly. Although bacteria cannot grow through the block, it is still necessary to change the filter after four months for hygiene reasons.

Tapwater & Pregnancy: the perfect drink with a little care!

The ideal thirst quencher for all situations is water, especially Tapwater. Pregnancy and breastfeeding require a particularly high fluid intake - so tap water is a healthy and cost-effective option. To make sure that you are not consuming any harmful substances, you shouldhave your Tapwater tested or install a water filter from the outset. This way you can be really sure that your drinking water is of the right quality.

Questions and answers

Which water to drink during pregnancy?

Still mineral water and Tapwater are both generally recommended during pregnancy. However, Tapwater has additional advantages: It is cheaper in the long term than bottled water and its quality can be significantly improved with a good water filter - this even binds pollutants that cannot even be detected by some tests in the private customer sector.

Why no mineral water during pregnancy?

Carbonated mineral water and other fizzy drinks should generally be avoided if you suffer from heartburn. As pregnant women often suffer from heartburn from the second trimester onwards due to the increasing size of the uterus, they should avoid carbonated drinks. Still mineral water, on the other hand, is fine.

What should you not drink when you are pregnant?

Alcohol and energy drinks are not suitable for pregnant women. Soft drinks and other drinks with a high sugar content should only be consumed in moderation, as should coffee and caffeinated teas. According to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, drinks containing quinine such as bitter lemon and tonic water should also be consumed with caution.

Is it safe to drink Tapwater during pregnancy?

Drinking Tapwater during pregnancy is considered safe in Germany. This is because the German Tapwater is subject to strict regulations and controls. However, it is best to find out about the pollutant content of your tap water to be on the safe side. Water tests are also recommended, especially in buildings with older pipes.

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