Tapwater or mineral water
When it comes to our drinking water, we are faced with a choice in everyday life: Tapwater or mineral water? This is not just a question of personal taste, but also touches on issues such as health, the environment and economy. To make the decision easier for you, we will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of Tapwater and mineral water below so that you can make an informed decision.
In this Guidebook you will therefore learn ...
- ... which is healthier, Tapwater or mineral water,
- ... what the exact differences are between mineral water and Tapwater ,
- ... which is more favorable in price comparison
- ... and how you can ensure that you only drink the highest quality water.
Which is healthier: Tapwater or mineral water?
Many people ask themselves which is healthier: Tapwater or mineral water? However, the answer to this question is not quite so simple. First and foremost, the quality of tap water depends on where you live, as the water quality in Germany is not equally good everywhere and not all waterworks work to the same standards. But first of all, we can generally count ourselves lucky in Germany because of the good water quality throughout the country. This is because high quality standards apply not only to Tapwater, but also to mineral water:
- Tapwater is considered the most strictly controlled foodstuff in Germany. It is carefully prepared and regularly checked to ensure its purity. [1]
- Each of the more than 500 German mineral waters is also bottled directly at the source and strictly controlled. [2]
But which is healthier, Tapwater or mineral water? In this respect, both options are on a par, as both types of water generally meet the basic requirements for healthy drinking water. From a health perspective, therefore, neither option has any advantages.
Of course, mineral waters from individual manufacturers may contain a higher concentration of contaminants. But even Tapwater , despite careful treatment, is not always as pure as prescribed by the Drinking Water Ordinance.
The question "Which is healthier, Tapwater or mineral water?" must therefore be answered differently depending on the region or manufacturer. However, assuming an average standard, both options can be considered healthy.
Excursus on types of water: mineral water, table water and co.
First of all, it is important to clarify what mineral water actually is. While many use the term as a collective term for all bottled water, there are in fact different specific types of water: [3]
- Natural mineral water comes from underground, protected springs and must be bottled directly there. It must meet the requirements of the Mineral and Table Water Ordinance (MTVO) and the composition of its minerals must not be altered. [4]
- Spring water must also be bottled at the underground source, but is not subject to the same strict regulations as mineral water. Although it must meet drinking water criteria, it does not have to be officially recognized and its mineral concentration can vary.
- Table water is an industrially manufactured product that is mixed from various types of water (both mineral and drinking water) and other ingredients such as mineral salts.
- Healing water is similar to mineral water, but is classified as a medicinal product due to its healing properties.
Therefore, when mineral water is mentioned in the following, this refers to natural water that meets the requirements of the MTVO.
Fundamental differences: Tapwater or mineral water
The most obvious difference between Tapwater and mineral water is obvious: while Tapwater comes straight from the tap, mineral water has to be bought in bottles. But there are a number of other differences between the two types of water. For example, while mineral water is the responsibility of the food authorities, Tapwater is monitored by the Federal Ministry of Health and inspected by the health authorities. [5]
But before we go into all these differences in detail, it is important to clarify one important point: Whether Tapwater or mineral water is more recommendable depends largely on the regional drinking water quality. So what is the situation in Germany - how good is German Tapwater in general?
Drinking water quality in Germany
As Tapwater in many countries is of inferior quality, the people living there often have no alternative but to resort to bottled mineral water. This is different in Germany. The quality of tap water in Germany is high by global standards as it is subject to strict legal controls.
Germany obtains its drinking water from various sources such as groundwater, spring water, enriched groundwater, surface water and bank filtrate. However, before this water can be made available to consumers, it must be treated and subjected to strict quality tests. These high standards ensure that Tapwater is considered very safe in Germany and can generally be drunk without hesitation.
Despite high standards and regular inspections, Tapwater in Germany is not always free from contamination. This is because old pipes, for example, also pose a risk of contamination. In addition, even after the new Drinking Water Ordinance comes into force in 2023 [6] still does not cover all potential contaminants.
Tapwater is therefore generally a safe food in Germany, provided it is well treated and controlled. Mineral water is therefore not the purer and therefore more attractive option in this country from the outset, but there are plenty of other differences that can help with the decision.
Mineral water or Tapwater: differences in detail
So how do our Tapwater and mineral water differ in detail? Far more than just their respective availability! Because origin, treatment, mineral content, taste, price and their respective environmental impact should also be taken into account when deciding whether you should drink Tapwater or mineral water.
Origin of the water
Mineral water has its origins in natural springs, which protect it from external contamination and ensure its purity. The majority of mineral water sources in Germany lie deep underground, where the water must also be bottled in order to preserve its purity and quality.
In contrast, Tapwater comes from various sources such as rivers, lakes or groundwater reserves, depending on the region, and must therefore be treated to meet drinking water standards. These processes ensure the quality of tap water, while mineral water retains its natural composition.
Preparation and control
It has already been mentioned that Tapwater and mineral water each fall under different areas of responsibility:
Tapwater is controlled by the Federal Ministry of Health, while public water suppliers in Germany are responsible for its treatment. [5] The water undergoes several purification stages, including filtration and disinfection, to remove contaminants and make it safe for consumption. As part of this process, the water is also checked to ensure that no limits are exceeded.
Mineral water must meet the requirements of the food authorities. It is produced from rainwater that gradually seeps through various layers of soil into underground springs. In the process, it is not only enriched with minerals, but also purified. At the time of bottling, it must be in its natural state, i.e. its original quality must not be impaired. For this reason, only certain treatments, such as the addition of carbon dioxide or the removal of undesirable substances, are permitted for mineral water. [7] In a direct comparison, Tapwater is therefore generally treated more than mineral water.
Not all spring water is the same as mineral water - because to be allowed to bear this designation, the water must meet the specifications set out in the MTVO. [4]
Minerals in Tapwater vs. mineral water
Mineral water is known for its often high content of dissolved minerals such as calcium, magnesium and sodium, which can provide health benefits. Tapwater also contains minerals, but their concentrations are usually lower and depend on the local geology and treatment.
So does this mean that you can only get enough minerals from mineral water? The answer to this question is clearly no. As a rule, a balanced diet is sufficient to cover the daily requirement of minerals. [8] The additional intake of minerals is therefore not necessary in most cases. This means that although mineral waters often contain more minerals than Tapwater, this is not a plus or even a necessity for health.
The taste of mineral water and Tapwater
Whether you prefer Tapwater or mineral water is of course also a question of taste - in the truest sense of the word, as the two types of water can differ significantly in taste. No wonder, as regional differences in the soil and water sources can lead to variations in taste. In addition, various treatment processes can further modify the taste.
So what are the biggest differences in taste?
- The taste of mineral water can be influenced by the specific source and mineral content, resulting in a unique range of flavor profiles.
- Tapwater , on the other hand, often has a consistent taste that is standardized by the treatment processes. However, it can vary regionally due to factors such as local water sources or chlorination. While Tapwater in Germany generally does not taste of chlorine, this may well be the case in some regions of other countries such as France.
The taste potential of water is so diverse that there are now even experts in the field: water sommeliers. They specialize in recognizing and evaluating the subtle nuances in the taste of different waters - similar to the "classic" sommeliers of wine. They advise on the ideal combination of different types of water and food, helping to create the perfect taste experience. [9]
Tapwater vs. mineral water: a comparison of prices
The choice between tap water and mineral water is often also a question of cost. This is because the costs incurred for the two water options differ considerably.
When it comes to saving money, Tapwater is the clear winner. At an average of just a fraction of a cent per liter, it is significantly cheaper than mineral water. According to the Federal Environment Agency, you can usually get around 2 liters Tapwater for just one cent - and that includes the wastewater charge. [1]
Mineral water, on the other hand, can cost significantly more, often more than 50 cents per liter, depending on the brand and place of purchase, making it the more expensive option in a direct comparison. This price difference is due to the cost of bottling, packaging and transporting mineral water, which is considerably higher than for directly available Tapwater.
Environmental impact: Is Tapwater better than mineral water?
Finally, mineral water and Tapwater also differ in terms of their respective environmental impact. Because when it comes to environmental compatibility, one of the two options has a clear advantage.
- Mineral water leaves a much larger ecological footprint than Tapwater. No wonder, since it is bottled (often in glass, but usually plastic bottles) and requires transportation over long distances, which leads to higher CO₂ emissions.
- In contrast, Tapwater comes straight from the tap, minimizing packaging waste and transport emissions. This direct availability makes Tapwater the more environmentally friendly option.
The difference between the respective environmental impact of the two options is significant: for example, a study from 2020 found that the production of one liter of mineral water causes greenhouse gas emissions of over 200 grams of CO₂ on average, mainly due to processes such as bottling and transport. [10] In comparison, the production of one liter Tapwater causes only 0.35 grams of CO₂ emissions.
Both Tapwater and mineral water are subject to strict controls in Germany with regard to harmful substances. As already mentioned, Tapwater is regularly tested for a variety of harmful substances such as various heavy metals or bacteria to ensure compliance with standards. Mineral water is of course also checked.
But is there a better option in terms of purity? Not really. Because despite the Drinking Water Ordinance, treatment and controls, it can of course still happen that contaminants get into our Tapwater . And although mineral water is considered pure, impurities can occur here too. [11] In this context, a new study by Columbia University in New York [12] should not go unmentioned. It found that thin, disposable plastic bottles contain up to 240,000 nanoparticles per liter of water. What effects this has on our organism and our health still needs to be researched. According to researchers, however, the nanoparticles are so small that they can even penetrate body cells and possibly cause chronic inflammation.
There is therefore no fundamentally cleaner option - although both types of water are strictly controlled, they can still contain harmful substances in individual cases.
Mineral water and drinking water do not differ greatly in their purity. Impurities or contaminants can occur in both mineral water and Tapwater . These often only get into the water afterwards, be it contaminants from plastic bottles or particles and germs from old pipes on the way to the consumer. With a drinking water filter for the kitchen, Tapwater gives you the opportunity to purify it once again before consumption. An activated carbon filter, for example on the tap or under the sink, reliably filters bad taste and pollutants out of Tapwater and ensures unadulterated drinking pleasure.
Tapwater vs. mineral water: which is the better option
The main differences between the two options are therefore clear. But which is better - Tapwater or mineral water? It depends on personal preference, of course, but Tapwater generally comes out on top in a direct comparison.
Tapwater is not only the more cost-effective option, but also the more convenient choice for everyday life. It is easy on the wallet and the environment, as packaging waste and transport emissions are minimized. While mineral water impresses with its natural minerals and often diverse flavors, Tapwater scores with its uncomplicated availability straight from the tap.
Tip: Upgrade Tapwater with filter and bubbler
Probably the biggest advantage of drinking water from the tap is that you can easily upgrade it yourself. The fact that you can optimize the purity with the help of a water filter has already been mentioned. However, for all those who find still water too boring, it could be worth buying a drinking water bubbler. These devices make it possible to add carbon dioxide to still Tapwater and thus offer an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to conventional mineral water.
Which is better: Tapwater or mineral water?
Whether Tapwater or mineral water is the better choice depends on many personal and environmental factors. However, a direct comparison shows that Tapwater, especially in combination with a high-quality water filter, is a safe, cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to bottled mineral water. This is because opting for Tapwater avoids unnecessary plastic waste and CO₂ emissions.

FAQs - Filling up with water on the go
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